01 September 2009

Ryan's 3 year old mind

Ryan had his 3 year check up today and I couldn't go so Tim took him. The phone call update went like this:

Tim: "He is 3ft. 4 1/4 inches and weighed 36 lbs. They gave him the flu mist shot. The doctor checked his belly, nose, ears, mouth and then told Ryan he had to check his "privates"."

Doctor: "Can you take your pants down so I can check your privates." He did his thing then "Okay I'm done checking your privates now."

Ryan: "No silly, that's my penis."
Doctor: "He just called me silly."
Tim:" Yes he did."

Notice there was no mention about the proper terminology he said for "his privates".

I love my son.


Rebecca DeWire said...

So funny for a 3 yr old to give his pediatrician an anatomy lesson! Cute story.

Alicia Parr said...

Well done, Ryan.

Michelle Simmons said...

That's classic.

Angela and David said...

Too funny. That's one smart little three year old you've got yourself there.