06 February 2009

Childless Night

Tim is running in the Uwharrie 20 miler tomorrow. I was planning on taking the boys with us until we found out that the race site is 2 hours away and he has to be there at 7am....if I wake the boys up at 5 to leave, they won't go back to sleep. So the boys are having a sleep over with my parent's tonight. It's too bad really because Ryan gets extremely excited when we tell him we're racing. He knows the order of the events for triathlon and he knows you've got to "cross the finish line". He absolutely loves cheering us on, and everyone else racing too "run man run faster." It's fun to watch him react to all the excitement. Alas, no chance for a late night visitor tonight...maybe I'll take some NyQuil and call it a night.

Currently we're just making sure the house is neat and tidy in case we get any visitors tomorrow while we're out. We've been on the market now since September 11th. Several showings, 2 open houses and no offers. I wasn't really worried about it until now; we've got an appointment with our builder next Wednesday to go over the floor plan one last time before they start building...then we've only got 60 days. Even Ryan crossed his fingers today when we had a showing.


Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Found your blog through lilrunner and enjoy it!

Good luck with your pursuits! And staying sane with kids! :}


Angela and David said...

Hope the 20 miler went well and you enjoyed a night of sleep with no night visitors.

Good luck selling your place. Hopefully you guys are someplace where the market isn't too terrible.