Well, I'm now finished with the first month of "official" IM training. Until this week I hadn't missed a workout. Then the "ick" started knocking on my door Tuesday and I replied "the lady of the house is not home." Wednesday, I said "I'm not interested". But the thing about the "ick" is that it is the most persistent creature I know. So by Thursday I had invited it in for a cup of hot chocolate and missed my run. Then Friday was my day off, and the "ick" was polite enough to leave me alone temporarily. Saturday was a good workout, then the "ick" came back and said "uh hum, excuse me Angela. I enjoyed the hot chocolate so much, I'd like to stay for dinner and wait out the snow storm with you since you were so generous." Me and my stinkin' generosity! So I had to miss my brick session today. I'm drugged up, delirious, tired and just feeling like complete dog poo.
I've come to find out over the years, that the "ick" is not such a good house guest. It sucks you in making you believe that your are so nice and loved (with a false quick courtship) and then just smacks you around like a red headed step child bringing you back to the reality, that you too will eventually fall victim to it's inevitable filth and disgusting ways.
So to the "ick" I say...like the distant cousin that doesn't know when to leave...you are no longer welcome in my house. Please leave before I take drastic measures and call the doctor and really kick your @$$. Thank you and have a nice day. I'm ready to be back on training track thank you very much.
And before I completely forget...I haven't heard but I'm pretty sure that Dan and Natalie have had their baby. I'd love to know the stats and how things are going for you both. Natalie, hope you're feeling well and enjoying motherhood as much as you possibly can the first month!
I Remember
6 years ago