13 February 2011

Morning conversations

Well we're a week into this flu at our house, so Ryan and Tim have both had it and are recovering now and yesterday marked Day 1 for Brayden. Luckily we got him to the doctor in time to get some Tamiflu. I've been unusually tired lately so I was hoping that the boys would sleep late since they are both still not feeling well.

I was wrong. At 6:45, they come marching into our room wanting orange juice and to crawl in bed. Ryan cozied up next to Tim, Brayden laid next to me and they both acted as if they would fall back asleep. After what I wished was more than 60 seconds the conversation began at a barely audible volume....a very soft whisper then slowly turning into a shouting match. That's very typical for our house unfortunately. The loudest is the best, or so they think.

Ryan: hey brayden, are you sick now too?
Brayden: Yeah, daddy took me to the doctor and I got medicine....Ryan is those spaceships on your pjs?
Ryan: Yeah, spaceships that glow. I hope you don't get sick like me...that was yucky sick.
Brayden: Yucky sick! Ewww, but I got medicine
Ryan: Well I took medicine and it made me more sick.
Brayden: More Sick? Ryyyaaannn. OH No. I don't want more sick.
Brayden: UH OH, I don't like that.
Mommy: Boys, let's keep it quiet please. We don't need to yell.
Ryan and Brayden (in unison): OK, mommy, we'll try
Ryan: Brayden we have to be quiet so we can sleep
Brayden: No, it's wake up time it's not sleep time....SEE I SHOW You the SUN.

At that point it was a lost cause, just get up...go down stairs and make pancakes. It was wake up time for goodness sake.


N.D. said...

so cute. I love the conversations.

Angela and David said...

At least they were getting along!

BusinessKata said...

Wake up time of course!