11 June 2009


That's the only way I can describe this week. Needless to say, now that we're waiting for the inspection report from Monday on the house it's also stressful and nerve racking. Did I mention that we also signed a contract for another house. Holy crap the next month is going to be soooooo busy. I haven't had enough time to breathe much less work or blog.

Family update:
Brayden is turning into a banana. I guess my mom was right, if you eat too much of something you actually do turn in to it.

Ryan is peeing in the potty when he sits on it. But only because he gets a lolly pop or "pop size sickle" for doing so. Five minutes later his pull up is soaked.

Tim wants to pull out his imaginary hair.

Bowden (the dog) is licking the hair off his belly.

My ankle is almost well enough to start running again. Oh yeah haven't posted on that. I didn't hurt it in the race last weekend...oh no that would make for a much better story. I severely sprained it while playing at Monkey Joe's with the boys on Sunday.


Natalie D said...

You have alot going on!I forgot to respond to your email. Thank you so much for your help. Too funny about the pull ups and pee in the potty! Hope things calm down!!

Rebecca DeWire said...

Sorry to hear about your ankle! The injuries that are possible to sustain being a mom are endless. I can totally relate to the insanity of selling and buying a house. Moving is stressful and chaotic! Just take one day at a time and at some point it will all be behind you and you will be moved into your new home.

Angela and David said...

Glad you survived the week. Hope the ankle gets better. Monkey Joes sounds like a dangerous place.

BriGaal said...

So where exactly are you moving to??